Festive Greetings

It is that time of year again! The shops are stacked with festive goods, the Christmas trees, lights and decorations are being put in place, and most folks are busy getting ready to celebrate with friends and family.  Cozy nights by the fireside, carol singers, kids getting excited… mulled wine and a nice Christmas lunch.  Of course, not everyone celebrates now.  I do reach a global community.  With that in mind, whatever, whenever you celebrate, I wish you peace and happiness.

I spend a great deal of time in my workshop, often seven days a week, making orders for customers requiring a special pen.  The pens I make are sent to people living in many different parts of the world.  I think it rather neat that my work travels far and wide. I love to work with people to make their custom pen a reality. Putting it simply, I love to make all types of pens for you!

Scriptorium Pens has a wide and varied range of writing instrument designs, developed with you in mind to suit your many varied tastes.  I am generally able to incorporate all the little preferences put to me for each order.  A certain design roll stop, a specific sized nib, special materials or combination thereof, even commissioning materials to be made as a special order.  It is tempting to sit back and continue to make those pens only. However, I do need to feed my creative urges!

Every now and then I get the inspiration and desire to make a pen that is a little different.  My creative side comes to the fore when working in my workshop.  I wonder what this or that would look like, whether a certain style is possible to make, what materials to use?   Often, those desires get pushed to one side by the need to fulfill your pen orders.

When I do have a little “me” time, that is rare!  You may be surprised to know that I find it very relaxing to be in the workshop, developing a pen I have wanted to make, but not had time to.  I do try to take time out during the weekend, a few hours to make an inventory pen or, perhaps, work on one of those ideas in my head.

I recently ordered and received shipments of Japanese & German Ebonites.  They contain some very attractive colors and patterns, and so make ideal candidates for some of those special pens I have in mind.

I’ll be taking a few days “off” for the Christmas holidays, but I’ll still be in the shop. I look forward to finalizing some of those new pen & clip designs during that time.  When I start back up after the holidays, I’ll be working on order numbers in the 180’s, making my way through the work queue as quickly as I can, yet still being careful and making sure your custom pen is just right!

Wishing You A Festive Holiday Season!


Recent Turnings from The Scriptorium Workshop

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