Catching Up

Busy, Busy, Busy

The past year has been an incredibly busy one for Scriptorium Pens, so much so that I haven’t had time to update all the custom pen images on the web site. Today, however, that changed. I devoted the entire day to posting images of all the pens I’ve made since late September, so if you’ve been waiting to see your custom baby online, it should be there now. 🙂  As always, Flickr will continue to have the most complete set of pen images, and you can see process pics on Instagram & Twitter.

New Black Oxide Steel Nibs

Black Oxide Steel Nib

New Black Oxide Steel Nib

JoWo is making a beautiful new Black Oxide steel nib to replace the Black Ruthenium nibs. As you can see from the photo, it is much darker and more “stealthy” looking. These are already available for order. I only have a very few of the old Black Ruthenium nibs left.

Tibaldi Impero Celluloid Availability

All I have has already been claimed! 🙂 I’ve recently started working on pens in the queue using the highly coveted Tibaldi Impero Celluloid. As people see the images on Instagram, the queries for this beautiful material keep rolling in.  I truly wish I had more to spread the joy, but I seriously doubt I’ll ever get any more. Rest assured that I’ll post an announcement if such a treasure trove is found!

Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful new year, full of fun pens and inks and lots of cool experiences to write about!

Social Media – Instagram, Twitter, and Flickr

In case some of you didn’t know, Scriptorium Pens is active on Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr. With Twitter and Instagram, I post news items, pictures of works in progress, behind -the-scenes shots, and various other shop-related things. On Flickr, I post large resolution pictures of all my custom pens for a really close-up view. Check out the links below and start following to keep up with the latest happenings at the Scriptorium!



Twitter: @ScriptoriumPens 




Instagram: Scriptorium_Pens




Flickr: Renée’s Pen Gallery