Customer Worksheet – A Tool to Help You Create Your Custom Pen

Customer Worksheet

Customer Worksheet

Scriptorium Pens has added a new tool to help customers design their perfect pen. I’ve created a Customer Worksheet that is very similar to my own order form that I keep for each customer, with the same basic information. This is a pdf document that you can print out and use to play around with various pen configurations and prices until you come up with your ideal combination. I think this will be a really helpful way to ease the process of deciding on all the various options offered by Scriptorium Pens. It contains all the information I need to put your new pen together.

I’ve also added a page of Configuration Examples with a breakdown of their pricing to help customers see how things add up. These examples are similar to those in the final confirmation email I will send to make sure the order is correct.

Finally, one more item I’ve added is Order Numbers! That’s right! With the orders continuing to come in, I’ve started assigning numbers to each order to help keep track of them.  From now on when you place an order, I will give you your order number.  For anyone already in my work queue, you can send me an email to find out what your number is and what order I am currently working on.

I want to make the ordering process as easy and as fun as possible for you. These new additions are steps in that direction. If you have any other suggestions, just let me know. I love hearing customer ideas! 🙂